预见未来. 实现梦想.
We educate the next generation of leaders to improve the health of our society.
ACPHS strives to be a global leader in preparing students for transformative health careers to solve problems that change the world.
Student-centered, integrity, respect, 协作, community and excellence.
We have identified five pillars that reinforce our mission, vision and core values. 它们是推动我们战略计划向前发展的关键优先事项. We have called it a roadmap because we recognize that with yearly reviews there will be the need to refocus and strategize to stay relevant based on our scans of the environment. 每个支柱被分解成具体的, 可衡量的, 可实现的, relevant and time-based (SMART) goals that will serve as the focus of our actions in the following years.
- 学术
- 优质学生体验
- 人与文化
- 参与社区活动
- 财务实力 & 管理
奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院 has maintained its standing as an educator par excellence. Our offerings now include a strong distance education footprint, including fully online programs. Instruction occurs in person and through new modalities, such as augmented reality and gaming. 我们的研究实验室充满了活力. Our academic reputation and enrollment are boosted by a self-sustaining research program with 20 extramurally funded faculty members, 以及CBET的声誉, a critical part of the regional biopharma ecosystem we have helped cultivate.
Inclusivity and belonging at ACPHS are ubiquitous on campus and throughout our virtual classes too. Students share their satisfaction in formal surveys and through word of mouth, 无论是当面还是在社交媒体上. First-year retention rates remain above 90 percent and online graduation rates are well above national averages. 学生们反映教学质量非常好, 参与和乐趣的机会无与伦比, 而且学校是一项有价值的投资, where they would re-enroll if given the opportunity to make their choice again. 未来的学生吵着要加入他们.
校园欣欣向荣,引人入胜, 一个卓越的地方, 协作, 服务与领导, 特别是, 是培养. 领导 development and professional development experiences are robust and satisfying. 员工们认为这所学校是最好的工作场所, 高绩效的教职员工竞争职位. 高影响力的倡议吸引有影响力的捐助者的兴趣. 积极参与的校友增加了学生的机会.
The school’s strengthened ties with partners throughout the Capital Region, 纽约州, the nation and indeed the globe have raised awareness of ACPHS among all stakeholders, 吸引潜在的学生和捐赠者. We are a critical part of a biopharmaceutical hub created in partnership with industry as well as our higher education partners and economic developers. 我们的伙伴关系, 在除南极洲以外的所有大陆上, 允许学生参与轮岗, 留学项目和就业机会. 教师 increase their 协作s nationally and around the world due to these partnerships.
A mindset driven by growth and entrepreneurship has ensured the long-term sustainability of our institution. 招生人数2人左右,000 students and new donor gifts totaling over $10 million provide a solid financial foundation for the school’s ongoing future. 作为该地区及其他地区首屈一指的生物技术培训项目, CBET generates revenues that sustain its programs and allow for investment. Long-term strategic partnerships with other institutions and programs provide income for all parties.