在ACPHS, the PharmD IPE student experience progresses from foundational 知识 in the first year to practical application in the fourth and final year by following a stepwise approach. IPE student experiences are integrated across all four years of the 药学博士 including both didactic (classroom) and experiential (real world) aspects. 为了提供IPE经验,需要与其他卫生专业学校建立外部伙伴关系. ACPHS的学生将与我们合作机构的其他卫生专业学生一起工作, 包括奥尔巴尼医学院, 罗素塞奇学院, 纽约州立大学伊利牙科学院, 和Excelsior大学护理学.
在他们的APPEs期间,所有学生都参加了跨专业的教育. These experiences provide students with the opportunity to practice their interprofessional 协作 技能 by working together with students from other health professions in real-world settings to solve patient care problems. 这种经历的一个例子是奥尔巴尼医学院的药学跨专业经验(PIPE). 在这里, pharmacy and medical students collaborate in small groups to evaluate real patients admitted to Albany Medical Center Hospital. 然后,他们提出建议,以改善病人的护理,这些建议可以实施.
"The most impactful learning experience I have gained from this internal medicine rotation was the interprofessional education (IPE) component. IPE was one of the strongest and most valuable aspects for both personal and professional development on this rotation. 在整个轮换过程中, 我们和医学生组队治疗新来的病人."
A standardized set of core competencies for collaborative practice exists to guide the development of programs for all healthcare professions schools in the United States.
价值观和道德-强调提供高品质的共同目标, 以病人为中心,相互尊重, 信任, 完整性, 以及很高的道德标准
Roles and responsibilities – Realize students may lack an understanding of the 角色和职责 of other health professionals
Interprofessional 沟通 – Ac知识 hierarchy by intentionally using language to establish an equal learning environment. Create a safe and brave space wherein students feel comfortable speaking to each other and facilitators primarily listen
Teams and teamwork – Promote the benefits of interprofessional learning for teamwork and link effective team 协作 to patient care
价值观和道德-强调提供高品质的共同目标, 以病人为中心,相互尊重, 信任, 完整性, 以及很高的道德标准
Roles and responsibilities – Realize students may lack an understanding of the 角色和职责 of other health professionals
Interprofessional 沟通 – Ac知识 hierarchy by intentionally using language to establish an equal learning environment. Create a safe and brave space wherein students feel comfortable speaking to each other and facilitators primarily listen
Teams and teamwork – Promote the benefits of interprofessional learning for teamwork and link effective team 协作 to patient care
“跨专业合作实践是安全的关键, 高质量的, 可访问的, 所有人都希望以病人为中心的护理.”
跨专业教育协作. (2016). 跨专业协作实践的核心能力:2016年更新. 华盛顿特区:跨专业教育合作.
The IPE委员会 supervises the development and delivery of interprofessional education for students at 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院.
国际政治经济中心主任担任委员会主席, which comprises four additional faculty members from the 药学实践系 and one P3 student as voting members. 药学博士项目主管, 药学系实习主任, 药学院副院长, 如有需要,体验教育副院长也会应邀出席. 成员的任期为三年,没有连任限制, 哪些是高度鼓励的,以保持外部伙伴关系之间的一致性.
国际政治经济中心主任担任委员会主席, which comprises four additional faculty members from the 药学实践系 and one P3 student as voting members. 药学博士项目主管, 药学系实习主任, 药学院副院长, 如有需要,体验教育副院长也会应邀出席. 成员的任期为三年,没有连任限制, 哪些是高度鼓励的,以保持外部伙伴关系之间的一致性.