
Master's Degree in Clinical Laboratory Sciences

参加临床实验室科学硕士课程,毕业率为96%, 认证考试合格率97%,毕业后就业率100%.

Clinical Laboratory Sciences Master's Overview

你有生物学、化学或其他生命科学的学士学位吗? Are you unsure of your path forward to a well-paying job? 你对医疗保健和病人服务方面的职位感兴趣吗? If so, 那么,奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院的临床实验室科学硕士学位是你的理想选择, 因为它会让你在短短两年内成为一名专业的临床实验室科学家诊断病人和治疗疾病.

临床实验室科学家是医疗团队的重要组成部分, performing 14 billion tests in more than 200,在美国,每年有5000个临床实验室. 它们对于患者样本检测和疾病诊断至关重要, as 70% of all medical decisions involve lab tests. These individuals can work in various settings, such as a hospital; clinical chemistry, hematology, or clinical microbiology laboratory’ in the biopharmaceutical industry; or at a public health agency.

获得临床实验室科学硕士学位, 专门设计的动手学习计划,帮助您获得国家认证. 在美国最佳临床/医学实验室科学硕士学位学校中排名第八, our NAACLS-accredited medical laboratory scientist program has a 97% pass rate within one year of graduation. 认证委员会的考试由 American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP). Please visit professional licensure disclosures for more information.

你第一年的临床实验室科学硕士课程将集中在包括血液学在内的临床实验室学科, clinical chemistry, clinical microbiology and immunohematology. 第二年强调在医院和诊所的临床实验室进行实践培训, culminating with a capstone project.

硕士课程还包括分子诊断学的两门课程,使您能够追求分子生物学的额外认证, signified by (MB (ASCP)).

What is Clinical Laboratory Sciences?
Over 14 billion diagnostic tests are ordered each year. As a clinical laboratory scientist, 你将是人体内医生的眼睛, 帮助人类更健康,推动科学的前沿.

临床检验科学(也称为医学检验科学)为疾病的诊断和治疗提供实验室信息和服务. As indispensable members of health care teams, 临床实验室科学家进行复杂的实验室程序, 确保检测结果的质量,并在诊断实验室环境中发挥领导作用.

临床实验室科学家在识别和治疗癌症等疾病方面发挥着关键作用, heart disease, diabetes and other medical conditions. 据估计,有关患者诊断和治疗的所有决定中有70%是基于医学实验室科学家进行的测试结果.
Close up of students using the microscopes
将你在课堂和实验室学到的知识应用到现实世界的环境中,比如社区医院或大型医疗中心. 作为ACPHS临床实验室科学硕士课程的一部分, 你将完成两个九学分的临床轮转,在那里你将获得经验,同时由执业医师指导.

ACPHS的临床轮换是有保证的,包括临床微生物学, clinical chemistry, immunohematology, hematology and coagulation, immunology/serology and molecular diagnostic testing. Clinical rotation sites include:

• Albany Medical Center Hospital
• Albany Stratton VA Medical Center
• Community Care Physicians' laboratory
• Ellis Hospital
• Glens Falls Hospital
• Nathan Littauer Hospital
• Saratoga Hospital
• St. Mary’s Hospital
• St. Peter’s Health Partners

你还将完成包括标本跟踪在内的临床实习, performance of routine analyses, demonstration of specialty testing, 观察自动化仪器和管理流程.
Clinical Laboratory Scientist Jobs
医学实验室技术人员的工作正在快速增长. The U.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,未来十年对临床实验室技术人员的需求将增长11%. According to Salary.在美国,临床实验室科学家的平均工资是75,062美元.


• Albany Medical Center
• CNY Fertility Center
• Ellis Hospital
• Glens Falls Hospital
• St. Elizabeth Medical Center
• St. Peter's Health Partners
• Saratoga Hospital
Clinical Laboratory Sciences Master’s Degree Coursework
临床实验室科学理学硕士课程为65学分, 为期两年的课程,旨在教育学生临床实验室学科,并为ASCP管理的认证委员会考试做好准备.

课程包括临床血液学和止血学等课程, which highlights physiology, 血液和骨髓细胞的病理生理学和实验室检测, as well as evaluation of various disorders.

其他主题包括对输血医学重要的抗体鉴定技术, 尿液和体液的医学生物化学以及一系列其他课程,涵盖诊断实验室实践和临床研究的各个方面.

硕士课程还包括分子诊断学的两门课程,使学生能够在分子生物学方面获得额外的认证, signified by (MB (ASCP)).
Outcome 2020 2021 2022 Three-Year Average
Certification Rate 100 91 100 97%
Graduation Rate 100 89 100 96%
Employment Rate 100 100 100 100%